Monday 28 October 2013


Front Cover

The first  thing that I did in the construction of the music magazine was open the picture that I have selected for my front cover so that I could edit it. Because I wanted the background of my magazine to be Black I have to use Photoshop to get rid of the background and make it black for the cover.

When the picture was opened it looked like this, with the white background. I used the eraser tool in order to delete large areas of the background.

As you can see the majority of the background was deleted by the eraser tool. I then used the selection tool to cut around the finer details and to make sure that the whole background was deleted. 

The final cutting looked like this with the background deleted giving me just the outline of the image I want to use on the cover. 


I then copied the image onto a new document which I am using for the magazine; I added a black background using the gradient and aligned the image to the right of the page. 


Next I made the Masthead for the magazine. I used an Impact font and used the blending options to edit it. I added the colour overlay as black and added a yellow stroke to make it bolder. As well as this the yellow fits in with the house style and the boldness makes the masthead look like a sticker affect that I wanted to add. 

In order to employ the sticker affect I used the polygon Lasso tool to draw around the top right corner of the masthead and then selected fit to cut. This made the top right of the masthead separate to the rest of the text and allowed me to rotate it 180 degrees for it to look like a peeled sticker. I then added a larger stroke and white colour to give it more affect.

Next I added the positioning statement below the masthead using the text tool and aligned it spacing the letters further apart using the character tools.  


I then added a banner across my title so that my main cover line can stand out. the Banner was done using the rectangle shape and I used the skew effect to make one end elongated. As well as that I also used the blending options to make the banner yellow and the black stroke to add boldness.

I then added the first cover line across the magazine. the cover line is spread across the page as I is the main cover line and overlaps the image s it is regarding the person on the cover. A black font is used to standout on the yellow background and is formatted in a way that gives it characteristics of a music magazine.

Next I added the other cover lines to the magazine, I used a variety of different fonts so that the magazine didn't look boring I also employed different sizes and colours. For instance I used a colour sample of Sam's denim jacket in order to link the cover line to the other colours on the page. I also aligned the list of bands closer together to highlight that that was all one cover line and to give the magazine a neater appearance.


Next I added a puff using the circle tool, this was also constructed using a stroke affect to give it a bolder outline.

I then added a skyline to the magazine, the skyline is there to give additional information about the magazine and lists the names of certain bands featured within the magazine to draw readers attentions. I used the same font to keep the theme constant however changed the colour to distinguish between bands.

Finally I added a image of a bar-code to the magazine and the issue information as that is a convention of music magazines that i needed to include. I also added a banner with the price on it to give the page a little more detail. 
I made more changes to eventually finish with the final product that is seen above. I deleted the puffs that I didn't like and added more banners and cover lines in order to give it more of a professional look

Content page.

For the construction of the contents page I opened up a new project in Quark express and made sure that I inserted three columns, he reason for this is that it gives the page structure and that the contents is going to be formatted into three columns.

This is the Blank page that am going to construct the page on, as you can see it has been divided up into three columns and is an A4 size to appear as a music magazine. Not only this but I have also used guides so that everything looks professional and can be kept neat.

I used the tool shape to draw a rectangle the same size as the page and used the modify selection to change it to a black colour, this is so that the page can have a black background instead of using a gradient.

The next thing that I did on the page was add in the Yellow banner at the top. I did this using the rectangle tool and changed the colour to yellow in order to fit in with the house style of the magazine. The banner is spread across the width of the page because I am going to add text in and make an effective title.

As you can see I then added in the title to the page. The title is a distorted font that is different to the masthead of the magazine and also different from the other fonts that I will use on the page in order to distinguish it from ordinary text. It is also the largest thing on the page and helps it to stand out. "This week" is also next to the title in  order to establish it as a weekly magazine and also adds to the title banner making it  more full and appear more professional.  

I then added yellow lines onto the page so that I could highlight where the columns are going to be. The yellow adds to the pages theme and also helps to separate text.
I then added in the banners in order to give my blog an organised look and set out headings for the rest of the articles, the banners that I have used are put in yellow to establish the house style of the magazine and also establish the feature articles and regular content sections of the contents page.
I then added in the text for the contents page setting out headers in  a distorted font and sub text to give the readers information about the pages.
 Here I have added in the page numbers to the page so that the audience can find the relevant content more easily I did this by using the text tool and used the guides and measurement tools to align the text.

 I then imported the images that I had took for the contents page and aligned them right to the end of the page to look professional.

 After I added the images I Incorporated captions to the images so that the audience knew what the image was off and gave them extra information. That then completed the production for the contents page and meant that I had used a variety of features so that the contents page could look professional.

This was the final contents page for the music magazine, as you can see it has used a variety of images on the page and has also used the house styles of the magazine continuing the black and yellow theme.
Double page spread
 I then began production for the double page spread of the magazine, opening in a blank quark and setting it to have three columns so that my text could be positioned on the page evenly.
I then copied and pasted the page so that it was duplicated and placed it next to the original page to give me a double page spread. 
Next I used the square tool to draw around the perimeter of the page and modified it to give a black fill to make up the background of the page.
I then incorporated the image that I had affected to be black and white onto the left hand side of the page giving me a background across the full double page spread. 
The title was then added to the page and used a distorted font typical of the conventions and house style of my magazine. 
After that i added in the text that I had prepared before production and added it to the page using the guidelines for help. I also added drop caps to the text to make it look more professional 

I then added a quotation to the article using large text on the left hand side of the page and also added page numbers using the text tool. 

This was the final product for the double page spread using a variety of media and techniques in order to create a professional looking magazine page. I made a few changes to the final image making the title bigger and moving the page numbers higher. 

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